Curriculum vitae

Gordon Sidartha

Professeur des universités

Dernières publications


Gordon S., Henry É., Murto P. (2021), Waiting for my neighbors, The RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 52, n°2, p. 251 - 282

Gordon S., Marlats C., Ménager L. (2021), Observation delays in teams and effort cycles, Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 130, n°November 2021, p. 276-298

Atal V., Bar T., Gordon S. (2016), Project selection: Commitment and competition, Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 96, p. 30-48

Chen Y., Gordon S. (2015), Information transmission in nested sender–receiver games, Economic Theory, vol. 58, n°3, p. 543-569

Gordon S. (2015), Unanimity in attribute-based preference domains, Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 44, n°1, p. 13-29

Gordon S., Riboni A. (2015), Doubts and Dogmatism in Conflict Behaviour, The Economic Journal, vol. 125, n°589, p. 1790-1817

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Gordon S., Kartik N., Lo M-Y., Olszewski W., Sobel J. (2023), Effective Communication in Cheap-Talk Games, Working paper, 1-30 p.

Gordon S., Kartik N., Lo M-Y., Olszewski W., Sobel J. (2021), Effective communication in cheap talk games, Working paper, 34 p.

Gordon S., Gendron-Saulnier C. (2017), Choosing between Similar and Dissimilar Information : The Role of Strategic Complementarities, Working paper, 1-62 p.

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