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Eric Bonsang is professor of Economics at University Paris-Dauphine. He is a fellow of the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA, Maastricht University), and the Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement (Netspar). He is Associate Editor of the Journal of the Economics of Aging. His current research interests focus on economics of ageing, health economics, applied microeconometrics, and labour and demographic economics.
Bonsang É., Pronkina E. (2023), Family size and vaccination among older individuals: The case of COVID-19 vaccine, Economics and Human Biology, vol. 50, n°August 2023, p. 101256
Bassoli E., Bonsang É., Brugiavini A., Pasini G. (2022), End-of-life care and depression, Applied Economics Letters, p. 1-10
Bonsang É., Skirbekk V. (2022), Does Childbearing Affect Cognitive Health in Later Life? Evidence From an Instrumental Variable Approach, Demography, vol. 59, n°3, p. 975–994
Bonsang É., Costa-Font J. (2022), Buying control ? ‘Locus of control’ and the uptake of supplementary health insurance, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 204, p. 476-489
Skirbekk V., Bonsang É., Engdahl B. (2022), Childhood hearing impairment and fertility in Norway, Scientific Reports, vol. 12, n°402
Bonsang É., Caroli E. (2021), Cognitive Load and Occupational Injuries, Industrial Relations, vol. 60, n°2, p. 219-242
Bonsang É., Caroli E., Garrouste C. (2021), Gender heterogeneity in self-reported hypertension, Economics and Human Biology, vol. 43, p. 101071
Bonsang É., Van Soest A. (2020), Time devoted to home production and retirement in couples: A panel data analysis, Labour Economics, vol. 65, p. 101810
Bonsang É., Costa-Font J. (2020), Behavioral regularities in old age planning, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 173, p. 297-300
Bonsang É., Skirbekk V., Staudinger U. (2017), As You Sow, So Shall You Reap: Gender-Role Attitudes and Late-Life Cognition, Psychological Science, vol. 28, n°9, p. 1201-1213
Bonsang É., Dohmen T. (2015), Risk attitude and cognitive aging, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 112, p. 112-126
Bonsang É., Van Soest A. (2015), Satisfaction with daily activities after retirement in Europe, Ageing and Society, vol. 35, n°06, p. 1146-1170
Grotz C., Letenneur L., Bonsang É., Amieva H., Meillon C., Quertemont E., Salmon E., Adam S., ICTUS/DSA group ., Deli M. (2015), Retirement Age and the Age of Onset of Alzheimer’s Disease: Results from the ICTUS Study, PLoS ONE, vol. 10, n°2, p. e0115056
Adam S., Bonsang É., Grotz C., Perelman S. (2013), Occupational activity and cognitive reserve: implications in terms of prevention of cognitive aging and Alzheimer’s disease, Clinical Interventions in Aging, vol. 8, p. 377—390
Skirbekk V., Stonawski M., Bonsang É., Staudinger U. (2013), The Flynn effect and population aging, Intelligence, vol. 41, n°3, p. 169-177
Bonsang É., Adam S., Perelman S. (2012), Does retirement affect cognitive functioning?, Journal of Health Economics, vol. 31, n°3, p. 490-501
Bonsang É., Klein T. (2012), Retirement and subjective well-being, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 83, n°3, p. 311-329
Bonsang É., Van Soest A. (2012), Satisfaction with social contacts of older Europeans, Social Indicators Research, vol. 105, n°2, p. 273-292
Bonsang É., Van Soest A. (2012), Satisfaction with job and income among older individuals across European countries, Social Indicators Research, vol. 105, n°2, p. 227-254
Bonsang É. (2009), Does informal care from children to their elderly parents substitute for formal care in Europe?, Journal of Health Economics, vol. 28, n°1, p. 143-154
Adam S., Bonsang É., Germain S., Perelman S. (2007), Retraite, activités non professionnelles et vieillissement cognitif. Une exploration à partir des données de Share, Economie et statistique / Economics and Statistics, vol. 403-404, p. 83-96
Bonsang É. (2007), How do middle-aged children allocate time and money transfers to their older parents in Europe?, Empirica - Journal of European Economics, vol. 34, n°2, p. 171-188
Bonsang É., Garrouste C., Perdrix E. (2023), Retirement and Well-Being, in Klaus F. Zimmermann, Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics Springer, p. 1-14
Bonsang É., Lemoine A. (2020), Renteneintritt und kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit, in Hendrik Jürges, Johannes Siegrist, Matthias Stiehler, Männer und der Übergang in die Rente Psychosozial-Verlag, p. 199-210
Bonsang É., Schoenmaeckers . (2015), 33. Long-term care insurance and the family: does the availability of potential caregivers substitute for long-term care insurance?, in Axel Börsch-Supan, Thorsten Kneip, Howard Litwin, Michal Myck, Guglielmo Weber, Ageing in Europe - Supporting Policies for an Inclusive Society De Gruyter, p. 369-380
Bonsang É., Soest A. (2014), Job and Income Satisfaction Among Older Europeans, in Alex C. Michalos, Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research Springer, p. 3428-3435