Curriculum vitae

Salomon Antoine

Maître de conférences


Antoine Salomon is interested in game theory, and more particularly in repeated games with incomplete information, in strategic learning, but also in machine learning.

Dernières publications


Audibert J-Y., Salomon A. (2014), Robustness of stochastic bandit policies, Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 519, p. 46-67

El Alaoui I., Salomon A., Audibert J-Y. (2013), Lower Bounds and Selectivity of Weak-Consistent Policies in Stochastic Multi-Armed Bandit Problem., Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 14, n°1, p. 187-207

Vieille N., Rosenberg D., Salomon A. (2013), On games of strategic experimentation, Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 82, p. 31–51

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Forges F., Horst U., Salomon A. (2014), Feasibility and individual rationality in two-person Bayesian games, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 30 p.

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