Curriculum vitae

Creti Anna

Professeur des universités
Tel : 0144054485
Bureau : P141


Anna Creti est professeur titulaire à l'Université Paris Dauphine, Paris ; directrice de la chaire d'économie du climat (Un. Dauphine) et de la chaire d'économie du gaz (U Dauphine, Toulouse School of Economics, IFPEN, Ecole des Mines). Elle est chargée de recherche à l'École Polytechnique, Paris, et affiliée à l'Institut Siebel, Berkeley. Anna est titulaire d'un doctorat de la Toulouse School of Economics et d'un post-doc de la London School of Economics. Elle a beaucoup étudié la concurrence et la réglementation des services publics de réseau (télécommunications, boulangerie, gaz, électricité...), ainsi que le lien entre la réglementation de l'énergie, du climat et de l'environnement. Coéditrice de la revue Energy Economics, Anna a de nombreuses publications dans les plus grandes revues économiques et elle intervient également dans plusieurs médias. 

Dernières publications


Aïd R., Bahlali M., Creti A. (2023), Green innovation downturn: the role of imperfect competition, Energy Economics, vol. 123

Concettini S., Creti A., Gualdi S. (2022), Assessing the regional redistributive effect of renewable power production through a spot market algorithm simulator: the case of Italy, Energy Economics, vol. 114, p. 106225

Alonzo B., Concettini S., Creti A., Drobinski P., Tankov P. (2022), Profitability and Revenue Uncertainty of Wind Farms in Western Europe in Present and Future Climate, Energies, vol. 15, n°17, p. 6446

Baba A-F., Ben Kebaier S., Creti A. (2022), How efficient are natural gas markets in practice? A wavelet-based approach, Annals of Operations Research, vol. 1-55

Creti A., Delacote P., Leblois A. (2021), Introduction: special issue on weather and climate impacts in developing countries, Environment and Development Economics, vol. 26, n°Special issue 5-6, p. 429 - 431

Creti A. (2021), Les enjeux de la taxonomie européenne pour la finance verte, Annales des Mines - Responsabilité et environnement , n°102 - Quelle finance pour une économie durable ?, p. 40-45

Kpondjo N., Lantz F., Creti A., Pham Van Cang C. (2020), The Impact of Energy Costs on Industrial Performance: Identifying Price and Quantity Effects in the Aluminum Industry Using a Data Envelopment Analysis Approach, The Journal of Energy Markets, vol. 13, n°4, p. 28

Barry M., Creti A. (2020), Pay-as-you-go contracts for electricity access: Bridging the “last mile” gap? A case study in Benin, Energy Economics, vol. 90, n°August 2020, p. 104843

Creti A., Olivier R. (2020), Prix du carbone, stratégies d'entreprises et transformation énergétique, Revue d'économie financière, vol. 2, n°138, p. 105-117

Creti A., Olivier R. (2020), Prix du carbone, stratégies d'entreprises et transformation énergétique, Revue d'économie financière, vol. 2, n°138, p. 105-117

Baba A-F., Creti A., Massol O. (2020), What can be learned from the free destination option in the LNG imbroglio?, Energy Economics, vol. 89, p. 104764

Guesmi K., Abid I., Creti A. (2020), Oil price shocks, equity markets, and contagion effect in OECD countries, European Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 17, n°2, p. 155-183

Creti A., Delacote P. (2020), Energy, climate and development: From international heterogeneity to local implementation, Energy Economics, vol. 90, n°August 2020, p. 104881

Tantet A., Stéfanon M., Drobinski P., Badosa J., Concettini S., Creti A., D’Ambrosio C., Thomopulos D., Tankov P. (2019), E4CLIM 1.0: The energy for a climate integrated model: Description and application to Italy, Energies, vol. 12, n°22, p. 4299

Guesmi K., Abid I., Creti A., Chevallier J. (2018), Oil Price Risk and Financial Contagion, The Energy Journal, vol. 39, n°Special issue 2, p. 97-115

Ardian F., Concettini S., Creti A. (2018), Renewable Generation and Network Congestion: An Empirical Analysis of the Italian Power Market, The Energy Journal, vol. 39, n°Special issue 2, p. 3-39

Creti A., Kotelnikova A., Meunier G., Ponssard J-P. (2018), Defining the abatement cost in presence of learning-by-doing: Application to the fuel cell electric vehicle, Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 71, n°3, p. 777-800

Pontoni F., Creti A., Joëts M. (2018), Economic and environmental implications of hydropower concession renewals: A case study in Southern France, Revue économique, vol. 69, n°2, p. 241-266

Chaton C., Creti A., Sanin M-E. (2018), Assessing the implementation of the Market Stability Reserve, Energy Policy, vol. 118, p. 642-654

Creti A., Sanin M-E. (2017), Does environmental regulation create merger incentives?, Energy Policy, vol. 105, p. 618-630

Creti A. (2017), Introduction to the Special Issue:“Energy, Commodities and Geopolitics: Modeling Issues, Energy Economics, vol. 64, p. 438-439

Creti A., Joëts M. (2017), Multiple bubbles in the European Union Emission Trading Scheme, Energy Policy, vol. 107, p. 119-130

Creti A., Khuong Nguyen D. (2015), Energy markets׳ financialization, risk spillovers, and pricing models, Energy Policy, vol. 82, p. 260-263

Creti A., Guesmi K. (2015), International CAPM and Oil Price: Evidence from Selected OPEC Countries., Bankers, markets, investors, vol. 136-137, p. 64-78

Belgacem A., Lahiani A., Creti A., Guesmi K. (2015), Volatility spillovers and macroeconomic announcements: evidence from crude oil markets, Applied Economics, vol. 47, n°28, p. 2974-2984

Chaton C., Creti A., Peluchon B. (2015), Banking and back-loading emission permits, Energy Policy, vol. 82, p. 332-341

Villeneuve B., Creti A. (2014), Commodity storage with durable shocks : A simple Markovian model, Mathematics and Financial Economics, vol. 8, n°2, p. 169--192

Verdier M., Creti A. (2014), Fraud, Investments and Liability Regimes in Payment Platforms, International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 35, p. 84-93

Creti A., Ftiti Z., Guesmi K. (2014), Oil price and financial markets: Multivariate dynamic frequency analysis, Energy Policy, vol. 73, p. 245-258

Joëts M., Mignon V., Creti A. (2013), On the links between stock and commodity markets' volatility, Energy Economics, vol. 37, p. 16-28

Pouyet J., Creti A., Sanin M. (2013), The NOME Law: Implications for the French Electricity Market, Journal of Regulatory Economics, vol. 43, n°2, p. 196-213

Chaton C., Villeneuve B., Creti A. (2009), Storage and security of supply in the medium run, Resource and Energy Economics, vol. 31, n°1, p. 24-38

Villeneuve B., Chaton C., Creti A. (2009), Gas Storage and Security of Supply in the Medium Run, Resource and Energy Economics, vol. 31, n°1, p. 24-38

Villeneuve B., Chaton C., Creti A. (2008), Some economics of seasonal gas storage, Energy Policy, vol. 36, n°11, p. 4235-4246

Creti A., Villeneuve B. (2004), Long-term contracts and take-or-pay clauses in natural gas Markets, Energy Studies Review, vol. 13, n°1, p. 75-94

Villeneuve B., Creti A. (2003), Politique énergétique : aspects stratégiques de la question des approvisionnements, Economie et prévision, n°158, p. 73-88


Belaïd F., Creti A. (2021), Energy Transition, Climate Change, and COVID-19 : Economic Impacts of the Pandemic Springer, 258 p.

Creti A., Fontini F. (2019), Economics of Electricity. Markets, Competition and Rules, London: Cambridge University Press, 366 p.

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Creti A., Geoffron P. (2023), Vers des échanges d’énergie « entre amis » ?, in Isabelle Bensidoun, Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran, L' économie mondiale 2024 Repères‎, p. 29-42

Zigah E., Barry M., Creti A. (2023), Are Mini-Grid Projects in Tanzania Financially Sustainable?, in Sebastian Groh, Lukas Barner, Georg Heinemann, Christian von Hirschhausen, Electricity Access, Decarbonization, and Integration of Renewables, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, p. 233-261

Zigah E., Creti A. (2023), A Comparative Analysis of Electricity Access Initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa, in Katarzyna Gromek-Broc, Regional Approaches to the Energy Transtion, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, p. 271-306

Creti A., Geoffron P. (2022), Pourquoi atteindre la neutralité carbone et comment?, in Michel Derdevet et Clémence Pèlegrin, Dans l'urgence climatique : penser la transition énergétique, Paris: Gallimard, p. 285

Billard C., Creti A. (2021), COVID-19 Recovery Packages and Industrial Emission Rebounds: Mind the Gap, in Fateh Belaid, Anna Creti, Energy Transition, Climate Change, and COVID-19 Springer, p. 258

Drobinski P., Azzopardi B., Allal H., Bouchet V., Civel E., Creti A., Duic N., Fylaktos N., Mutale J., Pariente-David ., Ravetz J., Taliotis C., Vautard R. (2020), Energy transition in the Mediterranean, in Cramer, W., Guiot, J., Marini, K., Climate and Environmental Change in the Mediterranean Basin – Current Situation and Risks for the Future. First Mediterranean Assessment Report Climate Care Series du Bureau du Pacte Mondial de l’ONU, p. 268-321

Villeneuve B., Creti A. (2009), Gas storage and security of Supply, in Creti, Anna, The Economics of natural gas storage, Berlin: Springer, p. 85-112

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Creti A., Villeneuve B. (2007), Equilibrium Storage in a Markov Economy, Paris, Cahiers de la Chaire Finance et Développement Durable, 33 p.

Creti A., Villeneuve B., Chaton C. (2005), The Economics of Seasonal Gas Storage, Malakoff, WP Centre d'Economie de l'université Paris-Nord, 33 p.

Editoriaux, directions de revue

Creti A., Delacote P. (2020), Energy, climate and development: From international heterogeneity to local implementation, Energy Economics, vol. 90, p. 104881

Creti A., Nguyen D. (2020), Energy, climate and environment: policies and international coordination, Energy Policy, vol. 140, p. 111226

Creti A., Nguyen D., Kilian L. (2018), Energy Challenges in an Uncertain World, The Energy Journal, vol. 39, n° Special Issue 2

Creti A., Nguyen D. (2018), Energy and environment: Transition models and new policy challenges in the post Paris Agreement, Energy Policy, vol. 122, p. 677-679

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